Thursday, November 16, 2006

Shuyi Olympic Canoeing-Shalom Park

Qingdao Olympic Sailing Regatta is not the only venue for water sports for the Games. The other venue is actually situated in landlocked (and water deficient) Beijing! It is known as the Shunyi Olympic Canoeing-Shalom Park (顺义奥林匹克水上公园).

The interesting thing about this park is that it never existed. The authorities literally carved out the entire water park from the earth. They've recently completed the first phase of the project. The main navigation channels reaching a depth of 0.8m with 300, 000 cubic meters of water. It is expected to reach a final depth of 3.5m with 1.7million cubic meters of water next year.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

chk dis 1 out 2

8:23 AM  

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